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For the author and thought leader Robin Sharma, growth is the first of eight forms of wealth. He defines it as the ‘Daily self-improvement habit’

My website reads  ‘Growing the business leader to grow the business’. To me growth is a fundamental prerequisite of life, and certainly of business.

None of us were born to be mediocre. Every one of us has personal gifts and talents that we are obliged to pursue and perfect and which take time and effort to grow and to grow into.

The Steve Prefontaine poster on my wall reminds me daily that “To give anything other than your best is to sacrifice the gift”. To me there is something deeply disrespectful about not making the effort, every day, to be our best. This inevitably means pursuing personal growth intentionally and deliberately and daily in whatever way is effective for each of us.

If we are not moving forwards, deliberately and intentionally, we will be moving backwards accidentally and inevitably and inexorably.

What are your deliberate strategies to make sure you have grown since yesterday?

So the questions for this week are;

  • What is my ‘personal growth philosophy’?
  • What do I do deliberately and purposefully every day to guarantee personal growth?
  • On a scale of 0 to 10 how would I score my daily self improvement rate?
  • What can I do to move that score by 2 points?
  • How will I make sure I am actually doing what I commit to?

If you need any help, reach out

Many successful business owners eventually hit a wall on growth and struggle to climb it alone. When you work with me you get a fresh perspective, a solid plan, and customised coaching so you can grow and scale your business safely and at speed.

To check whether I can help you on that journey